Sunday, February 22, 2009

What I've been up to lately..

Here I am learning how to do some serious chinese cooking. It was fun!

My pretty mama :)

My first time making my very own fondue! My mom bought me a double broiler! I had a blast with it and it is now one of my favorite items in my kitchen.

I got to spend some good bonding time with my little lovebug cousin this weekend :)

He turns one soon!

I had a lot of fun decorating and baking for Valentine's day <3>
So as you can see I have been keeping very busy lately (which I love)! Life is great and I am learning how to embrace it more and more each day. Love the little things. Appreciate everything. Laugh. Smile. Be grateful.
I promise to write again soon. There is much, much more to talk about :)
<3 J

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