Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The heart of a lion

Remember my last post? The one about how my Ky guy inspires me?

Here is the story behind that post:
One day he decided to start jotting down thoughts that moved him, and little moments that he encounters throughout the day, and words that he likes and wants to incorporate in his daily vernacular (sorry, if this was supposed to be a secret, babe!!) and he suggested that maybe I should do the same, but for my own reasons. I thought: This boy is a genius! We always talk about how I wish my memory was better, or how I have these funny little sayings, or interesting ideas pop into my head only to vanish within minutes because I have moved onto the next thought (Do I have ADHD?!). So I took his advice and started a journal.

This journal is to act as my written memory. I write down certain feelings and emotions I am experiencing, I ask myself questions that I can later go back to and dissect, I write down my to-do's (can't get rid of making those lists!), quotes, and it goes on. And let me tell you-- it helps! I feel a little bit more complete now. It's hard to realize how important and vital memories are to one's life until you can actually REMEMBER them. ;)

I wanted to share with you one of my enteries.

"Like the cowardly lion, I just need courage. If I could change one thing about myself- I'd pick bravery. I need more of it. To speak what's on my mind and feel comfortable doing so would be nice. To stand up for myself and say the things I want to say in front of a crowd-yeah, that's what I want. Hold nothing back, follow my inhibitions, and show people who I really am and feel good about it.

Is it bad to be a quiet girl? To a certain extent- yes.

Make a name for yourself-- a good one. Don't be shy."

That's all.
For now.
Loves and hugs,


Stefanie said...

excellent idea!! I always forgot things too! Maybe I will start a journal of my memories...

Stefanie said...

oh. And being courageous and/or outspoken isn't always good....there have been too many times where I should've just stuck my foot in my mouth instead of the words that had come out. Not that you would do that, but I thought I would share advice from one of the "outspoken". :)