Lately, I have had a lot going on. I realized that for the past week or so, it has been so hard falling asleep at night. I mean, typically it takes me a lot longer than an average person anyways, but it seems even more evident as of recently. I have a lot of my mind, and especially when I am trying to go to bed, I cannot stop my thoughts from interfering with my precious sleep. I got so fed up one night.. I decided to cave into using a sleeping aid. Nope. Didn't work...that is.. until the next day when I was in class all day long. I couldn't focus, all I wanted to do was sleep and I was extremely consumed by sleep deprevation. So no more sleep aids for this girl. It was worth a shot. Let's just see if this lets up anytime soon..
Ah well.
In other news (!!):
I scored two new jobs! That oughta get me some money in my pocket. I have been feeling so restless, and I missed having a job (and cash flow baby) so I went on a search. And I landed two pretty awesome jobs.
1. I officially work at a Dog kennel (literally 5 minutes away from my house--awesome!) I am really excited for this, it's right down my alley and something that's fun and not too stressful :) I had my first real day at work today..and it was fun! Right now, I am starting out as a dog bather (which I have done before) and then in the summer I will move up to a kennel tech.. I can't wait! I get to play and snuggle with dogs all day. WHAT A LIFE.
2. I have a job as a part-time babysitter/nanny for a wonderful (that's an understatement..more like uber wonderful) family. They have 3 kids-- two 11 year old boys and a 3 year old girl. I am very excited to see what's in store with this!
I just feel so lucky. so so lucky. I come along some pretty great experiences, how could I ever pass them up?! I know, I know..most people are probably thinking, why waste your time with this kind of stuff? work at a place that will push you along your way toward your future career goals. But to me, I'm young. I want to have fun and experience a bunch of different things before I settle into my career. So now is the time, right? I am gonna play, get dirty, laugh and enjoy where I am now at the kennel and with the kids.
<3 J